Bad Nickie! No Cookie!
Nick get an unexpected visit from Natalie.
Changelings and Pod
Nick and LaCroix... or is it?
St. Valentine's Day
The very first story I ever wrote. Be afraid, be very
A story about Schanke and a young friend he meets on the street one
day. This story has been published in Knightshift 2, edited
by Bea Quindlen, and won a Fan Q Award at MediaWest Con
in 1997.
War Stories:
Wars... how do I describe Wars? Every now and then, "Forever
Knight" fans become possessed of a mass fit of madness - sort of a
folie a'deux times infinity - and decide to play a War game
on the FK fiction mailing list (FKFIC-L) which
involves a cast of thousands, sleepless nights, numberless cups of
caffeinated beverages, un-dead chinchillas, Lurkers, and endless
e-mails full of plotting and nefarious fictitious attacks on one
another. In other words, more fun than any one human can handle!
These stories may give you some idea of the kinds of things that happen - just read them as indications of how insane FK fans get when they're involved in a virtual War... and remember: In FK fandom, attack is a form of affection!
I do intend to organize these by War eventually, but for the moment they're all jumbled up together, covering events in three (or is that four??) different Wars.
Chaos, IncorporatedFK-FIC War V
This is the War that included the (in-)famous "Let's Get Naked!"
post. My finest hour... (very very evil grin!)
For more good Forever Knight fiction, check out: The Forever Knight Fanfic Site
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Like one of my stories? Hate 'em all? e-mail me!
This page was last updated/changed April-10-2006.
fiction-readers have visited this page since April 10, 2006.
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